3000 Downloads and your questions answered

Hello, everyone.

As we come to the end of June, we have achieved yet another milestone. From the team to every reader, commenter, downloader and follower thank you from the bottom of our hearts for 3k downloads. The success of The Wayward Tower inside and outside the jam has been everything from humbling to inspiring, and we will carry this experience for our future projects.

So, we should move on to your questions, yes? Last time, we asked for any questions you might have regarding any facet of TWT and we got some pretty interesting ones! We received some questions outside of itch.io so we will be mixing those in as well. Now, let's get to it.

How do you feel about fanart of Warren?
Everyone here would absolutely love to see any takes on Warren and the protagonist! Fanart and fanfiction are very much welcomed and we would love to share any of them in our socials. There has actually been a meme of TWT posted to YouTube which we all found very amusing.

What does Warren smell like?
Old books. The wolf is always surrounded by them so it's to be expected that the scent has rubbed off on him. Going further with this question, this is not something that Warren cares about very much at all. As someone who's alone for long stretches of time, he has the tendency to let himself go at times. Of course, he takes extra care while the protagonist is around, so, in a way, what we see in-game is something of a dolled-up version of Warren.

How did the Protagonist get his curse?
It is intentionally left unclear during the story proper, but the simple answer is that he angered another magic user. He wasn't always the level-headed and humble guy we get to see in-game, for most of his life he belittled and snubbed others. Once, unaware of the existence of magic, he tormented a witch and now he's paying the price. The five years he's spent on the road served to mellow him out quite a bit and he's still dealing with some of his regrets.

Were there any changes to the story during development?
Absolutely! When Baldoh originally came with the concept, the wolf and his human played a smaller role. The original story would focus on a small stone creature that would phyisically grow as it interacted with people until it became a threat that had to be stopped.

In this version, the wolf wizard living in a tower would play a supporting part, serving to help the stone creature better understand what it is and why it is growing. In the end, this story felt too large in scope and unfocused to be an entry in a Game Jam, but talking, we managed to fish this "wolf and human" idea and develop it into what the story is now.

When does this story take place?
This is something we have seen a little bit and it's probably not as clear as we had intended. While TWT doesn't take place in our real world, its timeframe is comparable to our Early-Modern period (around the time of the European age of discovery or the Chinese Ming Dynasty). References to physics and chattel slavery were nods towards that.

Will there be more updates and/or a sequel/prequel?
We got this one a whole lot! We appreciate that people got this invested in our world and characters. For the moment, there are no plans for sequels, prequels or "story updates" to The Wayward Tower. Hopefully, what we have set up will be enough to fuel your imaginations as to what happens next for Warren and his human.

And that's all of them. We are glad for everyone who has asked and hope you'll be satisfied with these answers. The Wayward Tower's popularity is all thanks to everyone who played, rated and commented and we could not have asked for a better response.

We leave you now with this little meme we had an idea for based on some comments about the different artstyles in the game.

From Team Wolf in a Tower: Thank you very much for making The Wayward Tower a success.

Get The Wayward Tower


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Congratulations on 3k! Thanks for answering my question, I don't know why I assumed the MC was born with it but it's interesting to get a bit of a backstory. Also, Warren is getting freaky with the faceless half-naked pic made me laugh lol.